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Check out the facebook page here. It's got more pics, links and ways to waste your time.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

LPP, season 4!

Folks, I've been lazy.

Neglectful even.

I have a new baby, which is taking up my time. Poor LPP has suffered for it. The poster is still being drafted, and my posting has been infrequent.

The baby isn't of the crying, breastfeeding and soiling type. Instead, I've taken on co-ownership of a small business, and the learning curve has been steep.

That's not to say I haven't been doing anything LPP related, just that everything has been slow to boil. So, there will be a longer post soon, promise.

However, right now I can announce this:

LPP, Lucky #13! Sunday, December 21st 2014!

The event is a Camp Fortune ski hill, Chelsea Quebec. The fun starts around noon, at the far end of the upper parking lot, as close to the biathlon course as you can get. from 12ish to four-ish, there will be fatbikes to demo, coffee, and the trails under the aerial park will be accessible for the day. Around 4, we'll set up a small, non-threatening dual-slalom course and have a fun race. The day will end with a fire and a bottle. Prizes too.

And, I promise more info for the rest of the season soon.


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